As usual I was going to the campus using LRT. When I came out of the Putra LRT station heading to for that of Start LRT, as I was walking (or rather rushing?!) down the staircase, I noticed a person walking up. I was wndering whether it was a male or a female. Well, I concluded that it was a guy. What caught my attention was, his face is quite smooth and fair. And not too long hair. With a bagpack and earphones.
"Wait a minute."
As I revised his appearance in mind, I thought, "Hey, that looks familiar... Daniel??!"
Yes, I meant Daniel Lee. Some of u might know that Daniel is quite a 'pretty boy'. And that guy, the shape of his face, his eyes (when he 'scanned' at me for a second), his appearance (dressing... cool), and his... height. Ohh, was it really Daniel?
I thought I would go back there to have a second peep. But no, I couldn't. I had to catch the LRT.
But reasoning out, I guess that couldn't be him, because he is a celebrity now, why take to LRT? And at this time of the morning (peak time)?
Yeah... and so, I concluded it was not him. Haha... Girls... really know how to dream.. even day-dream! But then, it was fun, added colour to my routine life.
Moreover, that was a 'pretty boy' too. Not so bad after all!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The Moment of Glory
Sunday, June 11, 2006
金曲最佳新人‧返馬辦慶功宴 林宇中直奔《原點》趕戲
updated:2006-06-11 17:53:43 MYT

至於他可會在大馬開慶功宴?“會,但應該要遲點才行。”他一接受完訪問就得趕赴《原點》拍攝現場繼續趕戲。這果然是紅的代價! (星洲日報/娛樂‧2006/06/11)
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*Adapted from
至於他可會在大馬開慶功宴?“會,但應該要遲點才行。”他一接受完訪問就得趕赴《原點》拍攝現場繼續趕戲。這果然是紅的代價! (星洲日報/娛樂‧2006/06/11)
*Adapted from
FIFA World Cup Germany 2006
Ooooohh! The World Cup is here! and the world goes into the football frenzy-- or rather CRAZE again!
Not many would believe I would be following this kinda trend. well, it seems not as exciting as watching the Thomas Cup (badminton), but it is still a kind of entertainment for me though.
My first match (watching, of course), was Germany against Costa Rica. Germany team had a good start, scoring the first goal in the 6th minute. The match result was 4-2, with Germany in victory. It was quite enjoyable watching, because Germany was my team... haha... although I fell asleep even before half time (forgive me... I was tired... school day.. man).
Today I watched a delayed live of enhland (also my team) versus Paraguay. I was a little surprised at England team's performance... not too good. They won in the end at 1-0, but because of Own Goal 'contributed' by a Paraguay player.
Hope to be able to catch more of the matches.
Not many would believe I would be following this kinda trend. well, it seems not as exciting as watching the Thomas Cup (badminton), but it is still a kind of entertainment for me though.
My first match (watching, of course), was Germany against Costa Rica. Germany team had a good start, scoring the first goal in the 6th minute. The match result was 4-2, with Germany in victory. It was quite enjoyable watching, because Germany was my team... haha... although I fell asleep even before half time (forgive me... I was tired... school day.. man).
Today I watched a delayed live of enhland (also my team) versus Paraguay. I was a little surprised at England team's performance... not too good. They won in the end at 1-0, but because of Own Goal 'contributed' by a Paraguay player.
Hope to be able to catch more of the matches.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
My modem was struck by lightning on May 25th (if I'm, not wrong). Then, it was one week that we couldn't surf the Net. Thanks to my sis.
It was fortunate that the lightning didn't strike our System Unit, or it would have cost us a lot. Even after 2 strikings! Whew...
The modem could not be repaired. The area for connection line is broken down (though the modem still can be turned on). We got a new, but different model modem, which I believe, is faster.
Thank goodness, now I can surf the Net again! I need it for my studies.
Now my family has learnt a lesson. *When I told them and practised to pull out the plugs during thunderstorms, they don't take a damn.*
Now everytime when there's lightning, they don't watch TV, and even pulled our every plugs for TV and PC. Haha! Now they know.
It was fortunate that the lightning didn't strike our System Unit, or it would have cost us a lot. Even after 2 strikings! Whew...
The modem could not be repaired. The area for connection line is broken down (though the modem still can be turned on). We got a new, but different model modem, which I believe, is faster.
Thank goodness, now I can surf the Net again! I need it for my studies.
Now my family has learnt a lesson. *When I told them and practised to pull out the plugs during thunderstorms, they don't take a damn.*
Now everytime when there's lightning, they don't watch TV, and even pulled our every plugs for TV and PC. Haha! Now they know.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
音樂會上“傳情” 王菀之向張敬軒示愛
updated:2006-06-05 17:42:48 MYT

後來輪到Ivana清唱偶像王菲的《約定》,邊唱邊與軒仔四目相投、深情對望。這對緋聞男女也合唱了《手望(守望版)》,在現場歌迷的起哄下,2人更大方地在台上十指緊扣呢! (光明日報/娛樂‧2006/06/05)
後來輪到Ivana清唱偶像王菲的《約定》,邊唱邊與軒仔四目相投、深情對望。這對緋聞男女也合唱了《手望(守望版)》,在現場歌迷的起哄下,2人更大方地在台上十指緊扣呢! (光明日報/娛樂‧2006/06/05)
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