My dad has gone out-station again.
This time, to Canada.
It is so cool to be able to go, but dad has been quite dull the whole day. It was a bit like when he had to go to Beijing 10 years ago.
Oh yeah, 10 years ago, at this time of the year, I was spending my first autumn in life, in Beijing. 6 years coming back now, I still miss it very much.
It will be a dull period next week, without dad home. And it's test week...haiz. Tons of housework and revision waiting for me.
I do hope dad will enjoy his days and stay there. after all, it's another part of the globe out there. :D
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Snatched, coma
As I was having dinner last night, I heard the news on TV about someone being snatched at Masjid Jamek LRT station the night before.
Little did I know that the victim was an ex-schoolmate of mine. Till today, when I checked the news online. I was quite shocked by the incident.
The victim, Lim Sze Jian (18) is a UTAR student. He was stolen of his thousand-ringgit handphone. He's been hospitalised since early morning where he was found at Kota Raya. According to the news, he had 2 operations for his brain. He's still in coma.
The moment I got to knowof the news last night, I was worrying about my safety. It's better not to return home late. It's such a tragedy involving someone as close as an ex-schoolmate. It's such a pity that those people out there would rob materials and even lives!
Fortunately, Sze Jian is recovering now. And hopefully the culprit will be caught soon.
Though not having acquaintance with him, I still pray for him to recover well and soon.
Namo Amitofo.
The Star article
Little did I know that the victim was an ex-schoolmate of mine. Till today, when I checked the news online. I was quite shocked by the incident.
The victim, Lim Sze Jian (18) is a UTAR student. He was stolen of his thousand-ringgit handphone. He's been hospitalised since early morning where he was found at Kota Raya. According to the news, he had 2 operations for his brain. He's still in coma.
The moment I got to knowof the news last night, I was worrying about my safety. It's better not to return home late. It's such a tragedy involving someone as close as an ex-schoolmate. It's such a pity that those people out there would rob materials and even lives!
Fortunately, Sze Jian is recovering now. And hopefully the culprit will be caught soon.
Though not having acquaintance with him, I still pray for him to recover well and soon.
Namo Amitofo.
The Star article
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Second Time
Finally, it was my second time to the National Blood Centre. It was yesterday, Sept 16.
And to donate blood. of course.
It was quite deserted there. Unlike last time, there were some NS trainees waiting to donate blood.
This time I used my right arm. According to the nurse, Using the writing hand will make the blood flow faster. Erm... dad doesn't believe so.
Anyway, as I have 'feared', it was the same case as last time using the left arm. As I have mentioned, the position of the injection last time was weird, kinda senget. Similar case with now! In fact, it was almost the same position of the left and right arm! Great, so my blood vessels are abnormal?? Or my skin is too thick??!!
And, like last time too, the wound of the injection was larger than my dad's. Strange. Am I so much different from others?
Had some trouble later when I attended guitar class. the hole poked in my left middle finger was in pain whenever I had to do the chords. That's why I don't like this procedure when going for donation.
It's no surprise that I'm so eager to donate blood. I've always wanted to do charity work, but does not have the 'ability' yet. So at least, this is what I can do. You know that you can actually save a life out there.
By the way, the service at NBC is very good, and refreshment is provided after the donation. aha, that's a bonus!
Hopefully the next time (which my dad plan in December) won't be delayed. Haha.
And to donate blood. of course.
It was quite deserted there. Unlike last time, there were some NS trainees waiting to donate blood.
This time I used my right arm. According to the nurse, Using the writing hand will make the blood flow faster. Erm... dad doesn't believe so.
Anyway, as I have 'feared', it was the same case as last time using the left arm. As I have mentioned, the position of the injection last time was weird, kinda senget. Similar case with now! In fact, it was almost the same position of the left and right arm! Great, so my blood vessels are abnormal?? Or my skin is too thick??!!
And, like last time too, the wound of the injection was larger than my dad's. Strange. Am I so much different from others?
Had some trouble later when I attended guitar class. the hole poked in my left middle finger was in pain whenever I had to do the chords. That's why I don't like this procedure when going for donation.
It's no surprise that I'm so eager to donate blood. I've always wanted to do charity work, but does not have the 'ability' yet. So at least, this is what I can do. You know that you can actually save a life out there.
By the way, the service at NBC is very good, and refreshment is provided after the donation. aha, that's a bonus!
Hopefully the next time (which my dad plan in December) won't be delayed. Haha.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Touched by two Angels
September 10, 2006. Such a marvelous day.
Winning a contest on MyFM, YZ and I attended a Fans Gathering with Jin Sha and Yee Chung! It was held in GasOnline Cafe, Sg Wang at 8pm. Believe me, my first time a Sg Wang!
We managed to catch last part of the MyFM concert which was held at Sg Wang entrance, at which Yee Chung was the last performing artist. He sang the songs [Bu Da Yang De Dian], [Shi Lian Xue] and [Zai Jian], and he dedicated the latter song to his PA, who would be leaving the company soon. Such a touching moment...
Fans' Gathering session
At the gathering venue, I was quite surprised by the huge number of people present. Found out that there were 6 units of winners who were invited. Around 30-40 people.
Before the arrival of the VIPs, the MC, Jason (MyFM DJ) chose team members for Yee Chung and Jin Sha to play a game. Within minutes, we got to see the prince and the princess! They looked as good as usual. Chatted with Jason for a while, about their future plans, blablabla...
Q&A session
Next came the Q&A session. I managed to ask them a question, regarding whether they would switch back to their 'career'(say microbiologist?) from their 'interest' (music). YC replied that it would be tough, because microbiology is like a computer, required upgrading and updating, and since he has been away from the industry for a long time, it would be hard to switch back. But he doesn't rule out the possibility. Whereas, Jin Sha mentioned that music has been her interest since young, she loved to sing and create (or change) the lyrics of the songs she sing. she was previously a reporter. YC acknowledge her for achieving her dreams.
Besides, YC said that his next album might include songs which are more rhythmic, but he will most probably not dance (sad...), as he name himself as "lao gu tou' (old bones)! JS expressed that she'd like to take part in another drama. She even had in mind a drama where YC will act as a killer/murderer, Ah Do as the Head of a 'black society', whereas JJ can become her brother. how interesting!
JS felt that the guys in Malaysia are very 'MAN'. Her type of guys can be like that of a movie, [Summer More More Tea], where the guys play guitar and sing along at the beach. Ooh, that's beautiful! YC teased her instead, asking whether she liked Ah Niu, or Michael wong, who were actors in the movie.
The Game
the game came next, where one team member would sing a song and the opponent continue it. I was chosen for the game (earlier, the crazy person I am, I try to get every chance to be near YC...hehe). It was fun to see YC and JS upclose, in a relaxed mood. The way they played 'paper, scissors, stone' was even a wonder...haha! **
Though YC got the priority in the beginning, our team lost in the end. Somehow we just ain't so familiar with JS's songs. Paiseh. but we got consolation prizes and group photo too! Yey! and JS was so nice, she let me stand beside YC! but there was this little voodoo doll hanging from the ceiling blocking me...sweat...there goes my only photo with Yee Chung and Jin Sha...
After this was the group photo session, where the 6 groups of winners shoot with YC and JS. Aha1 The cheeky me quickly chose a strategic place...where else but beside YC??! Haha... even YC turned around and said,"hey, you shi ni!" (You again!) (Maybe he was getting fed up of seeing me again...hah!) But later, I gave my precious place to YZ, coz she hasn't gotten to stand beside him yet. Imagine the smile on her face! **
In the end, Jason chatted with them again, and bid farewell to them (JS is leaving for China while YC will be heading to taiwan to prepare his next album). Oh, so no autograph session. kinda disappointed. I stood by the aisle, ready to bid them last goodbye. Many fans started raining down gifts for them, many of them are stuffed dolls (how lucky of JS!), and some fans handed out albums for her to sign on.
OMG! Autographs?!! Yikes! I quickly rushed back to my seat and got my guitar! But by the time I reach back the aisle, YC has already passed. But I didn't care, I started calling out to him (you can also call that 'shout'). After 2-3 times calling him, he turned around, and I requested for him to sign on my guitar.
And he said YES!! He walked back here. He signed so nicely, the way he always do for each of his albums. And now, haha... this has become a real stimulator for me to work hard in guitar learning! As I have said, Yee Chung has inspired me a lot!!
They left shortly, while we the fans stayed back for some refreshment. Met the Fan Club members, one of whom YC himself recognised. How lucky! Now I wonder whether he will remember the crazy me, maybe my shiny braces look significant enough! Haha!
**My Marvelous Experience!!**
I was the last of 3 to play. Before that, YC told me, "jin li jiu hao." (Just try your best.) But nevertheless, I didn't know the song my opponent sang, so I lost. YC said, "mei guan xi, mei guan xi." I kinda apologise to him, and he replied,"mei guan xi," then he whispered to me,"wo ye bu hui!" (I dunno also!) Hahaha... so cute, so nice of him. I knew he was just trying to console us, though I guess he really didn't know the song! Hehe...
After the group photo for MyFM winners, YZ tried talking to YC... about an event at UKM. But somehow, YC was not sure, "you an pai ma?" (is there arrangement for this?) Then, we had to leave, wonder what they said in the end.
When signing my beloved guitar, finding that I didn't have a pen (how careless of me), his PA handed out a marker pen to him (thanks a lot to his PA!). i struggled a bit while taking out the guitar from the case, so he kindly said, "man man lai, man man lai." ( rush) *Meltz~!* Putting the guitar down on the floor...
YC: "yao qian na li?" (where to sign?)
me: "em..." (no you like?)
He signed on the top front. Though the autograph seemed kinda weird or rather upside-down for some people (because of his position), it doesn't matter to me, I love it anyway! It was a rush of time, yet YC was willing to take some time to sign...I'm so touched!!! He even spoke to me!
YC: "ni you tan ji ta ma?" (do you play guitar?)
me: "hai zai xue xi..." (still learning.)
I was too excited, I guess I even forgot to see him out. I forgot if I thanked him, but deep down inside, I feel so thankful, and so touched. Thanks a lot, Yee Chung kor kor, you are so nice!
All the way, YC and JS had been giving their best. There must be times when they are very tired, but they will still have smiles on their faces. They treat their fans and staff nicely, and would speak and act in a humble way. Such are the qualities of artists which are rarely found in the entertainment circle. Really, I was so truly happy when Yee Chung agreed to sign on my guitar, and even asked me not to rush, when otherwise he could be heading for bed a few minutes earlier!
Gotta thank MyFM for giving his chance, thank my dad for sending us there, and Yc's PA for the marker pen! Most of all, thank you to Jin Sha and Yee Chung for spending time with us, being patient with us and treating us so well! I have never met any artist so humble and friendly.
All the Best to Yee Chung and Jin Sha! We will miss you guys so much! Really hope to see you in Malaysia again. can't wait for Yee Chung's drama [The Beginning] and his upcoming album!!
Winning a contest on MyFM, YZ and I attended a Fans Gathering with Jin Sha and Yee Chung! It was held in GasOnline Cafe, Sg Wang at 8pm. Believe me, my first time a Sg Wang!
We managed to catch last part of the MyFM concert which was held at Sg Wang entrance, at which Yee Chung was the last performing artist. He sang the songs [Bu Da Yang De Dian], [Shi Lian Xue] and [Zai Jian], and he dedicated the latter song to his PA, who would be leaving the company soon. Such a touching moment...
Fans' Gathering session
At the gathering venue, I was quite surprised by the huge number of people present. Found out that there were 6 units of winners who were invited. Around 30-40 people.
Before the arrival of the VIPs, the MC, Jason (MyFM DJ) chose team members for Yee Chung and Jin Sha to play a game. Within minutes, we got to see the prince and the princess! They looked as good as usual. Chatted with Jason for a while, about their future plans, blablabla...
Q&A session
Next came the Q&A session. I managed to ask them a question, regarding whether they would switch back to their 'career'(say microbiologist?) from their 'interest' (music). YC replied that it would be tough, because microbiology is like a computer, required upgrading and updating, and since he has been away from the industry for a long time, it would be hard to switch back. But he doesn't rule out the possibility. Whereas, Jin Sha mentioned that music has been her interest since young, she loved to sing and create (or change) the lyrics of the songs she sing. she was previously a reporter. YC acknowledge her for achieving her dreams.
Besides, YC said that his next album might include songs which are more rhythmic, but he will most probably not dance (sad...), as he name himself as "lao gu tou' (old bones)! JS expressed that she'd like to take part in another drama. She even had in mind a drama where YC will act as a killer/murderer, Ah Do as the Head of a 'black society', whereas JJ can become her brother. how interesting!
JS felt that the guys in Malaysia are very 'MAN'. Her type of guys can be like that of a movie, [Summer More More Tea], where the guys play guitar and sing along at the beach. Ooh, that's beautiful! YC teased her instead, asking whether she liked Ah Niu, or Michael wong, who were actors in the movie.
The Game
the game came next, where one team member would sing a song and the opponent continue it. I was chosen for the game (earlier, the crazy person I am, I try to get every chance to be near YC...hehe). It was fun to see YC and JS upclose, in a relaxed mood. The way they played 'paper, scissors, stone' was even a wonder...haha! **
Though YC got the priority in the beginning, our team lost in the end. Somehow we just ain't so familiar with JS's songs. Paiseh. but we got consolation prizes and group photo too! Yey! and JS was so nice, she let me stand beside YC! but there was this little voodoo doll hanging from the ceiling blocking me...sweat...there goes my only photo with Yee Chung and Jin Sha...
After this was the group photo session, where the 6 groups of winners shoot with YC and JS. Aha1 The cheeky me quickly chose a strategic place...where else but beside YC??! Haha... even YC turned around and said,"hey, you shi ni!" (You again!) (Maybe he was getting fed up of seeing me again...hah!) But later, I gave my precious place to YZ, coz she hasn't gotten to stand beside him yet. Imagine the smile on her face! **
In the end, Jason chatted with them again, and bid farewell to them (JS is leaving for China while YC will be heading to taiwan to prepare his next album). Oh, so no autograph session. kinda disappointed. I stood by the aisle, ready to bid them last goodbye. Many fans started raining down gifts for them, many of them are stuffed dolls (how lucky of JS!), and some fans handed out albums for her to sign on.
OMG! Autographs?!! Yikes! I quickly rushed back to my seat and got my guitar! But by the time I reach back the aisle, YC has already passed. But I didn't care, I started calling out to him (you can also call that 'shout'). After 2-3 times calling him, he turned around, and I requested for him to sign on my guitar.
And he said YES!! He walked back here. He signed so nicely, the way he always do for each of his albums. And now, haha... this has become a real stimulator for me to work hard in guitar learning! As I have said, Yee Chung has inspired me a lot!!
They left shortly, while we the fans stayed back for some refreshment. Met the Fan Club members, one of whom YC himself recognised. How lucky! Now I wonder whether he will remember the crazy me, maybe my shiny braces look significant enough! Haha!
**My Marvelous Experience!!**
I was the last of 3 to play. Before that, YC told me, "jin li jiu hao." (Just try your best.) But nevertheless, I didn't know the song my opponent sang, so I lost. YC said, "mei guan xi, mei guan xi." I kinda apologise to him, and he replied,"mei guan xi," then he whispered to me,"wo ye bu hui!" (I dunno also!) Hahaha... so cute, so nice of him. I knew he was just trying to console us, though I guess he really didn't know the song! Hehe...
After the group photo for MyFM winners, YZ tried talking to YC... about an event at UKM. But somehow, YC was not sure, "you an pai ma?" (is there arrangement for this?) Then, we had to leave, wonder what they said in the end.
When signing my beloved guitar, finding that I didn't have a pen (how careless of me), his PA handed out a marker pen to him (thanks a lot to his PA!). i struggled a bit while taking out the guitar from the case, so he kindly said, "man man lai, man man lai." ( rush) *Meltz~!* Putting the guitar down on the floor...
YC: "yao qian na li?" (where to sign?)
me: "em..." (no you like?)
He signed on the top front. Though the autograph seemed kinda weird or rather upside-down for some people (because of his position), it doesn't matter to me, I love it anyway! It was a rush of time, yet YC was willing to take some time to sign...I'm so touched!!! He even spoke to me!
YC: "ni you tan ji ta ma?" (do you play guitar?)
me: "hai zai xue xi..." (still learning.)
I was too excited, I guess I even forgot to see him out. I forgot if I thanked him, but deep down inside, I feel so thankful, and so touched. Thanks a lot, Yee Chung kor kor, you are so nice!
All the way, YC and JS had been giving their best. There must be times when they are very tired, but they will still have smiles on their faces. They treat their fans and staff nicely, and would speak and act in a humble way. Such are the qualities of artists which are rarely found in the entertainment circle. Really, I was so truly happy when Yee Chung agreed to sign on my guitar, and even asked me not to rush, when otherwise he could be heading for bed a few minutes earlier!
Gotta thank MyFM for giving his chance, thank my dad for sending us there, and Yc's PA for the marker pen! Most of all, thank you to Jin Sha and Yee Chung for spending time with us, being patient with us and treating us so well! I have never met any artist so humble and friendly.
All the Best to Yee Chung and Jin Sha! We will miss you guys so much! Really hope to see you in Malaysia again. can't wait for Yee Chung's drama [The Beginning] and his upcoming album!!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Dad was originally going out-station. Not anymore, Yey! many problems solved.
Frst, guitar class.
Then, the fan's meeting session with Yee Chung and Jin Sha. It will be at sg Wang, which is kinda hard in transport aspect especially at night. Now I hope that dad will pick us up...
There's the Awards Day. I had been down over my dad over not attending the ceremony, which is my first ever in UCSI.
Great. There goes Friday. Didn't go for duty today. and there goes the 2nd week, with only 2 hours of work.
I regret a lot for choosing school of IT and Management for this semester. I wanted to continue in School of Engineering, but there were no more places.
I realised the ease of duty at the previous school. The supervisor wasn't strict, and doesn't mind a lot about the working hours, as long as we do work. How great was that.
But now over here, the supervisor will fill my time-sheet (which is the right way). And she will write the hours I was there, NOT my initial planning hours. And so, I have trouble planning my working now.
Even worse off, they DON'T have much work for me to do!! What'a heck??! Then how am I going to complete my duty?? ANd why are they assigned so many scholarship students?? It's CRAZY!! I'm so much worried now... I really don't like it here, they really do treat me as a worker. Shit.
And they expect me to go to the heads to look for work. Suddenly I feel like I'm a jobless looking for employment. Or even a salesgirl trying dispose the products at hand.
I really don't mean to, but... I HATE THIS PLACE!!!
Complaints about the contractor again.
Heard my mom talking over the phone about the renovation. She was complaining about some works done without her knowledge, and messed them up.
I truly doubt about the contractor's 'professionalism'. he doesn't even use his brains! Resulting in mistakes here and there! And more ridiculously, he wants us to pay him more to re-do the mistakes1 WHAT??!!Whether he is uncle or elder or whatever, I really wish I could smack him!!
Frst, guitar class.
Then, the fan's meeting session with Yee Chung and Jin Sha. It will be at sg Wang, which is kinda hard in transport aspect especially at night. Now I hope that dad will pick us up...
There's the Awards Day. I had been down over my dad over not attending the ceremony, which is my first ever in UCSI.
Great. There goes Friday. Didn't go for duty today. and there goes the 2nd week, with only 2 hours of work.
I regret a lot for choosing school of IT and Management for this semester. I wanted to continue in School of Engineering, but there were no more places.
I realised the ease of duty at the previous school. The supervisor wasn't strict, and doesn't mind a lot about the working hours, as long as we do work. How great was that.
But now over here, the supervisor will fill my time-sheet (which is the right way). And she will write the hours I was there, NOT my initial planning hours. And so, I have trouble planning my working now.
Even worse off, they DON'T have much work for me to do!! What'a heck??! Then how am I going to complete my duty?? ANd why are they assigned so many scholarship students?? It's CRAZY!! I'm so much worried now... I really don't like it here, they really do treat me as a worker. Shit.
And they expect me to go to the heads to look for work. Suddenly I feel like I'm a jobless looking for employment. Or even a salesgirl trying dispose the products at hand.
I really don't mean to, but... I HATE THIS PLACE!!!
Complaints about the contractor again.
Heard my mom talking over the phone about the renovation. She was complaining about some works done without her knowledge, and messed them up.
I truly doubt about the contractor's 'professionalism'. he doesn't even use his brains! Resulting in mistakes here and there! And more ridiculously, he wants us to pay him more to re-do the mistakes1 WHAT??!!Whether he is uncle or elder or whatever, I really wish I could smack him!!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Wasting time
Here I am, wasting my time again.
should have stayed at home and come later. I could be snoring in my bed now. Urgghhh...
The half-an-hour stuck at the LRT station... Shit. Crowded with people. I dunno what the hell is up with Rapid KL. Technical problems every once in a while. I hope they don't shout "Malaysia Boleh!"
Leave the Malaysians some face man...
And damn, I thought I could have come for duty today, but then, no work for me. Could have completed 3 hours of work time. And now, I'm sitting in the Computer lab again. Spoiling my eyes. Geesh...
Still feeling down and moody bout yesterday. It seems like I cannot trust anyone now. Or is it just me who is too sensitive? But then, who likes the feeling of loneliness? Who likes to be betrayed?
For sure, I don't.
I hope I can get over this soon. Though I know that I will continue to have a hard time.
should have stayed at home and come later. I could be snoring in my bed now. Urgghhh...
The half-an-hour stuck at the LRT station... Shit. Crowded with people. I dunno what the hell is up with Rapid KL. Technical problems every once in a while. I hope they don't shout "Malaysia Boleh!"
Leave the Malaysians some face man...
And damn, I thought I could have come for duty today, but then, no work for me. Could have completed 3 hours of work time. And now, I'm sitting in the Computer lab again. Spoiling my eyes. Geesh...
Still feeling down and moody bout yesterday. It seems like I cannot trust anyone now. Or is it just me who is too sensitive? But then, who likes the feeling of loneliness? Who likes to be betrayed?
For sure, I don't.
I hope I can get over this soon. Though I know that I will continue to have a hard time.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Malaysia and Singapore's Chief Monk passes away
The Buddhist Channel, Aug 31, 2006
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- The Chief monk of Malaysia and Singapore, Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda Maha Nayaka Thera passed away peacefully at 12.42 pm today. He was 87.
The venerable's "home coming" to the Buddhist Maha Vihara
Born in the small village of Kirinde, Matara in southern Sri Lanka on March 18, 1919, Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda or "Chief" as he is fondly called, was ordained at the age of 12.
He was given the name "Dhammananda" which means "one who experiences happiness through Dhamma." At the age of 22. he received higher ordination (upasampada) under Venerable K Ratanapala Maha Thera, the Chief abbot of Kotawila Vihara.
Ven. Dr K Sri Dhammananda came to Malaya (now Malaysia) in January 1952. He has since then made Malaysia his adopted home. His contribution to the development of Buddhism in pre-independence Malaya and then modern Malaysia is beyond measure.
Ven Dhammaratana leading the puja session with other monks.
He was foremost in promoting Buddhist education to the grassroot and was responsible to bring basic Buddha-Dharma teachings to the lay people. The venerable's impact was especially felt amongst the English speaking local Buddhists.
Meanwhile at the Buddhist Maha Vihara in Kuala Lumpur, the venerable's body was brought back to the vihara at around 5.30 pm today local time. The temple has declared 3 days of official mourning.
Members of the public can pay their last respect to the venerable at the "Dewan Asoka". The funeral will take place on Sunday.
Adapted from Buddhist Channel.,3100,0,0,1,0
My family and I went to the Buddhist Maha Vihara last night to pay our last respect to the Chief Reverend, and have a last look at him.
Though I have no much encounter with the Chief, I appreciate his effort in expounding the Dhamma.
May the Chief be reborn in a blissful state and attain Nibbana.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Sg Wang National Day Countdown Concert
Had wished to go, but didn't join the party with the great artists. What a pity. Anyway, here goes the pics...

Group photo! Notice that Jin Sha (Kym) i in a pink baju kebaya. How CUTE~!!

Yee Chung looks great in white. Typical "Bai Ma Wang Zi"!!

Charlie Chaplin?!! Haha...

Rain God with an umbrella. =)

A chit-chat with Yee Chung. Yee Chung's Trademark! Shuai!
Nicholas (left) looks kinda "Uncle-y".
Credit to i-tung from for the pics.
Group photo! Notice that Jin Sha (Kym) i in a pink baju kebaya. How CUTE~!!
Yee Chung looks great in white. Typical "Bai Ma Wang Zi"!!
Charlie Chaplin?!! Haha...
Rain God with an umbrella. =)
A chit-chat with Yee Chung. Yee Chung's Trademark! Shuai!
Nicholas (left) looks kinda "Uncle-y".
Credit to i-tung from for the pics.
Thrilling Merdeka!!!
August 31 was Malaysia's National Day. Had a lot going on. Can be considered a special National Day indeed. Just a briefing...
~Watched [Taegukgi] on tv. Though the 3rd time watching it, the scenes in near the end still made me shed tears.
~Had pork for almost 5 meals continuously. All because of YZ who was back for holiday. Got tired of it. The big piece of fat from "siou bak" still haunts me. =( But the "Bak Kut Teh" was good! Our regular destination for the delicacy, [Yi Xin Ge], best in PJ and...KJ, Kelana Jaya!
~It was raining again. Constantly thinking of the Rain God, Yee Chung. Well, would be seeing him at night, can't wait!
~Jin Sha mini concert!! That's the main reason for this blog. Haha!
~And i finally met Fish from DFC forum, who is a big fan of Yee Chung and David Tao too! Haha... She was with Fanny, Soursand, and another gurl (sorry, forgot her name, paiseh paiseh). Didn't meet Fish and Fanny though we were at JJ's concert, and I believe at the same area too!
[Jin Sha Unbelieveable Mini Concert]
Yes, it was Unbelieveable. The mini concert was held at the main hall of Confucian Independent School, at 8pm. Again, we asked for Cousin Heck to ferry us there (and join us of course). Glad that Jin could go, though her exam is approaching. My initial plan was to join the MyYeeChung Fans' Club, but then we changed places to MyFM winners' section (where 2 of us were supposed to be).
Being a crazy girl who would get really crazy, my greatest fear was being seated in a 'cold' area. Coz I hate being like a fool, cheering on my own. Uhuh, and my fear was there. Actually it was almost the whole audience which was 'cold'. Seems like majority of it was there for Yee Chung, including me.
I do adore Jin Sha. I noticed her since she first appear on Malaysian TV in a Chinese drama called [Shi Ba Sui De Tian Kong] (The world of the 18-year-olds). Her character was a sweet pretty girl, and had a special relationship with a boy of the same class. The actor of that character was Li Zhi Nan, who appeared in her recent MV. She looks quite like that character (Lan Fei Ling), very sweet and cute.
Though she doesn't like to pose in the 'trendy' "cute" smiles (those which you twist your fingers and mouth like anything), but she does look truly cute doing that, as if she was born for that. and she has really beautiful fair skin. If I were a guy, I'd go for her! Haha!
The event started off with a video clip about Confucian 100th Anniversary, followed by a 'hand-language performance' by Beliawanis.

Phoebe as the MC.
Then out comes Jin Sha! She looked so good and cute, in a white 'bubbly' dress, just like a little princess. Her performance was quite good, tough there's still room for improvement. As I mentioned earlier, the audience was quite stingy of cheers. I wished I could have shouted out loud, but not wanting to look like a fool, I did not. Boo.

A chit-chat with Yee chung and Jin Sha.
And out hopped Yee Chung! He was in a pink shirt, which he claimed that it shrunk1 Hehe... nevermind, he still appeared like a Prince! So we have a prince and a princess on stage!
They chatted a while about Jin Sha's album, which then Jin Sha fed the audience about the kind of girl which Yee Chung adored (in her opinion, that is). During this, Phoebe kinda asked him if he agreed, and he made a gesture shaking his shoulders, which of course was truly cute!! Hehe...

Talking about umbrella, seeing the umbrellas brought by myyeechung members.
Yee Chung delivered 2 songs, [Kao An] and [Shi Lian Xue]. During the songs, he threw poster to the audience, and playfully tricked us! Haha!

Yee Chung singing away...
During the second song, he came down to stage to us. Once Ihe was in front of me for about 2 seconds, just half a metre away! WOOHOO!!! It was so cool to see him up so close! Really got so crazy! And when he turned back, I kinda touhed his arm, and haha... I guess he was surprised and looked this way! Hehe... Imagine how thrilled I was!!
Btw, I did a stupid thing. Of course everyone was very excited and wanted to catch the posters thrown (like throwing food into the water for the fish...sweat). Once a poster was caught by a boy on duty, and guess what, I grabbed it from him! Damn crazy! Never in my life had I thought I would do that. And very paiseh and sorry to that guy. He seemed to wanted to keep it, but then he was on duty right? Hehehe... Though I feel really ashamed...sweat sweats...

A get-ready posture to throw us the posters!
Obviously, majority of the crowd was there to support Yee Chung (including us). When he came on stage, the cheers for him was double of that for Jin Sha. So, Yee Chung had to 'plead' the audience to support Jin Sha besides supporting him.
After that, a futher composer artist of Hai-O, Lee Zhi Qing (whose album will be released soon) played the guitar to accompany with Jin Sha singing. Kinda got super-excited when I the guiatr being brought out! Haha! Make a wild guess, you'd know that I'm obsessed with guitars now. *Sweat* Not too familiar with some of the songs, but all the way, they sounded nice, especially the guiat music. =D
The two hottest songs were [Ben Dan] and [Bu Ke Si Yi], which the latter was the encore song. These two songs really got the crowd to sing along. I especially love [Ben Dan] (Stupid), which is very touching. The myyeechung members even shouted "Ben Dan" to her, but she cutely replied that she's happy! Such a sweet girl!
In the end was the autograph session. After much thought and consideration (duhh...), we rushed to purchase Yee Chung's Special Edition album (with music videos!!). The chance to go on stage was given to Jin, as she would not be able to attend the Fans Meeting Session.
And gosh, how I envy! She was on stage for such a long time (3 minutes WAS a long time), and fancy having Yee Chung looking at her... writing (our names)! In the end, Yee Chung only wrote our surname, coz the PA thought writing 3 names was too much. =( Anyway, his hand-writing was so neat (for guys, you know). I miss seeing him signing his autograph, the sincere and serious and dedicated look. Aww...
And a first-time experience. When we got outside the hall, we found a van parked next to my cousin's car. Yeah! That's their van!! Rushing over there, we found Fish and gang already waiting! (Haha... they are the experienced gang!) First to come out was Lee Zhi Qing, who was still as shy as usual (with his head so low...heehee). He was holding his guitar and some other stuff, but still shook hands with us. Nice guy. =) That means I'm gonna support him... spiritually~!!
A little moment later Jin Sha appeared, all smiles. She looked so pretty upclose, and slowed down her footsteps to greet us goodbye. I suddenly had the urge to hug her! looked just like a doll... =D
Yee Chung was out at last, but he was walking quite fast. But it was good to see him too. And I wanted to hug him too. But I couldn't! wooooo...
Seeing Zhi Qing by the window, YZ made gestures to attract his attention so as to take a photo. He did look out at us, but with no facial expression (Doraemon? Hehe...). No photos taken in the end (dark screen, arghh!). Well, couldn't see Yee Chung and Jin Sha, coz sun-shades were on the window. (Whether to block out the sunshine or to block us from seeing them... must be the latter!)
End of the exciting day! WAiting to see Yee Chung and Jin Sha again.
There's the Fans Meeting Session coming up! Too bad it's for half an hour only, but I'll attend anyway! Yippee!!

The affectionate look in him...

Hope you enjoyed!
Credit to tom from for the pics.
August 31 was Malaysia's National Day. Had a lot going on. Can be considered a special National Day indeed. Just a briefing...
~Watched [Taegukgi] on tv. Though the 3rd time watching it, the scenes in near the end still made me shed tears.
~Had pork for almost 5 meals continuously. All because of YZ who was back for holiday. Got tired of it. The big piece of fat from "siou bak" still haunts me. =( But the "Bak Kut Teh" was good! Our regular destination for the delicacy, [Yi Xin Ge], best in PJ and...KJ, Kelana Jaya!
~It was raining again. Constantly thinking of the Rain God, Yee Chung. Well, would be seeing him at night, can't wait!
~Jin Sha mini concert!! That's the main reason for this blog. Haha!
~And i finally met Fish from DFC forum, who is a big fan of Yee Chung and David Tao too! Haha... She was with Fanny, Soursand, and another gurl (sorry, forgot her name, paiseh paiseh). Didn't meet Fish and Fanny though we were at JJ's concert, and I believe at the same area too!
[Jin Sha Unbelieveable Mini Concert]
Yes, it was Unbelieveable. The mini concert was held at the main hall of Confucian Independent School, at 8pm. Again, we asked for Cousin Heck to ferry us there (and join us of course). Glad that Jin could go, though her exam is approaching. My initial plan was to join the MyYeeChung Fans' Club, but then we changed places to MyFM winners' section (where 2 of us were supposed to be).
Being a crazy girl who would get really crazy, my greatest fear was being seated in a 'cold' area. Coz I hate being like a fool, cheering on my own. Uhuh, and my fear was there. Actually it was almost the whole audience which was 'cold'. Seems like majority of it was there for Yee Chung, including me.
I do adore Jin Sha. I noticed her since she first appear on Malaysian TV in a Chinese drama called [Shi Ba Sui De Tian Kong] (The world of the 18-year-olds). Her character was a sweet pretty girl, and had a special relationship with a boy of the same class. The actor of that character was Li Zhi Nan, who appeared in her recent MV. She looks quite like that character (Lan Fei Ling), very sweet and cute.
Though she doesn't like to pose in the 'trendy' "cute" smiles (those which you twist your fingers and mouth like anything), but she does look truly cute doing that, as if she was born for that. and she has really beautiful fair skin. If I were a guy, I'd go for her! Haha!
The event started off with a video clip about Confucian 100th Anniversary, followed by a 'hand-language performance' by Beliawanis.
Phoebe as the MC.
Then out comes Jin Sha! She looked so good and cute, in a white 'bubbly' dress, just like a little princess. Her performance was quite good, tough there's still room for improvement. As I mentioned earlier, the audience was quite stingy of cheers. I wished I could have shouted out loud, but not wanting to look like a fool, I did not. Boo.
A chit-chat with Yee chung and Jin Sha.
And out hopped Yee Chung! He was in a pink shirt, which he claimed that it shrunk1 Hehe... nevermind, he still appeared like a Prince! So we have a prince and a princess on stage!
They chatted a while about Jin Sha's album, which then Jin Sha fed the audience about the kind of girl which Yee Chung adored (in her opinion, that is). During this, Phoebe kinda asked him if he agreed, and he made a gesture shaking his shoulders, which of course was truly cute!! Hehe...
Talking about umbrella, seeing the umbrellas brought by myyeechung members.
Yee Chung delivered 2 songs, [Kao An] and [Shi Lian Xue]. During the songs, he threw poster to the audience, and playfully tricked us! Haha!
Yee Chung singing away...
During the second song, he came down to stage to us. Once Ihe was in front of me for about 2 seconds, just half a metre away! WOOHOO!!! It was so cool to see him up so close! Really got so crazy! And when he turned back, I kinda touhed his arm, and haha... I guess he was surprised and looked this way! Hehe... Imagine how thrilled I was!!
Btw, I did a stupid thing. Of course everyone was very excited and wanted to catch the posters thrown (like throwing food into the water for the fish...sweat). Once a poster was caught by a boy on duty, and guess what, I grabbed it from him! Damn crazy! Never in my life had I thought I would do that. And very paiseh and sorry to that guy. He seemed to wanted to keep it, but then he was on duty right? Hehehe... Though I feel really ashamed...sweat sweats...
A get-ready posture to throw us the posters!
Obviously, majority of the crowd was there to support Yee Chung (including us). When he came on stage, the cheers for him was double of that for Jin Sha. So, Yee Chung had to 'plead' the audience to support Jin Sha besides supporting him.
After that, a futher composer artist of Hai-O, Lee Zhi Qing (whose album will be released soon) played the guitar to accompany with Jin Sha singing. Kinda got super-excited when I the guiatr being brought out! Haha! Make a wild guess, you'd know that I'm obsessed with guitars now. *Sweat* Not too familiar with some of the songs, but all the way, they sounded nice, especially the guiat music. =D
The two hottest songs were [Ben Dan] and [Bu Ke Si Yi], which the latter was the encore song. These two songs really got the crowd to sing along. I especially love [Ben Dan] (Stupid), which is very touching. The myyeechung members even shouted "Ben Dan" to her, but she cutely replied that she's happy! Such a sweet girl!
In the end was the autograph session. After much thought and consideration (duhh...), we rushed to purchase Yee Chung's Special Edition album (with music videos!!). The chance to go on stage was given to Jin, as she would not be able to attend the Fans Meeting Session.
And gosh, how I envy! She was on stage for such a long time (3 minutes WAS a long time), and fancy having Yee Chung looking at her... writing (our names)! In the end, Yee Chung only wrote our surname, coz the PA thought writing 3 names was too much. =( Anyway, his hand-writing was so neat (for guys, you know). I miss seeing him signing his autograph, the sincere and serious and dedicated look. Aww...
And a first-time experience. When we got outside the hall, we found a van parked next to my cousin's car. Yeah! That's their van!! Rushing over there, we found Fish and gang already waiting! (Haha... they are the experienced gang!) First to come out was Lee Zhi Qing, who was still as shy as usual (with his head so low...heehee). He was holding his guitar and some other stuff, but still shook hands with us. Nice guy. =) That means I'm gonna support him... spiritually~!!
A little moment later Jin Sha appeared, all smiles. She looked so pretty upclose, and slowed down her footsteps to greet us goodbye. I suddenly had the urge to hug her! looked just like a doll... =D
Yee Chung was out at last, but he was walking quite fast. But it was good to see him too. And I wanted to hug him too. But I couldn't! wooooo...
Seeing Zhi Qing by the window, YZ made gestures to attract his attention so as to take a photo. He did look out at us, but with no facial expression (Doraemon? Hehe...). No photos taken in the end (dark screen, arghh!). Well, couldn't see Yee Chung and Jin Sha, coz sun-shades were on the window. (Whether to block out the sunshine or to block us from seeing them... must be the latter!)
End of the exciting day! WAiting to see Yee Chung and Jin Sha again.
There's the Fans Meeting Session coming up! Too bad it's for half an hour only, but I'll attend anyway! Yippee!!
The affectionate look in him...
Hope you enjoyed!
Credit to tom from for the pics.
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