That would be one of the quotes we have for our ringtones! [I so love it~] Yup, it's one of the jungle-doofed ringtones that we produced!! [Ahhh.. I'm so excited I duno why...]
[Btw, thanks to Andrew who helped us out with the mixing and editing!]
The P2P Greeniz Camp was definitely a brand new experience for me. It was held in Sukau of Sabah (a little village area alongside the Kinabatangan area),
Sukau Rainforest Lodge to be exact, the period of May 25 - 29, 2008.
A lot of my first times as well. First time in KLIA LCCT, first time on budget plane (which is not even as comfortable as dad's car), first time to East Malaysia > Sabah > Sandakan > Kinabatangan > Sukau. First time taking boat trips for 5 continuous days (and I'm still dizzy now~), first time seeing the night line like a wallpaper FULL of stars (!!), first time encountering shooting stars! And 4 of them at least!! [**more excited**]
It's a pity that I haven't my precious camera with me, but did my best with my mobile phone... basically, I even did my group assignment with it! And oh dear, we really need technology even in the deep jungle...
And here, though quite unclear, are the best I can make with my little phone camera.

Now everyone can fly... (and starve for 3 hours)

Mary-Ruth and I ;)
{credits to Mary-Ruth for this pic!}
Some of Sandakan's...

At the jetty to Sukau..

Sam and I...

Along the Kinabatangan River, this is Abai Village.

Spotted pygmy elephants on the way too.. an uncommon scene , which indicated the diversion of their path due to deforestation. Spotted pygmy elephants on the way too.. an uncommon scene , which indicated the diversion of their path due to deforestation. Tragical...

Kinabatangan River at Sukau
First day at Sukau was basically briefing and ice-breaking. Went on a night cruise, where our sampan motor couldn't start up. But the cruise was very impressing.. birds, monkeys, snake and crocodile! And I loved the night sky... first time to be out wide and dark! *miss the stars...*
I marvel at the ability of our guides to spot the animals with just a spotlight! [Such amazing people...]

A kingfisher... fishing
The Chief Minister was gonna visit us here on the 2nd day, so preparation for his arrival, where us 'kids' were to put up an informal welcome for him. Dragged by Shin Ying to do her acapella, where I had to do the solo! And constantly singing too soft~ A good experience though (finally I sang an accapella... not quite. Thanks to SY for the pick =D), though our voices were drowned out by the huge troop of CM followers..
The morning was spent on boardwalk and jungle cooking. Presented by Winston and wife Maria, it was truly interesting. The boardwalk is where I wanna go everyday..

The boardwalk... dear I miss it~

Elephant crossing halfway between the walk

Jungle cooking! (if only we get to taste them =.= )
Our fishing trip (using bobo for prawns and 'lazy fisherman' bottle for fish) was fruitless, but got a try on spreading the fish net, which was so heavy! I enjoy the boat ride, just sitting there, looking around... doofing~ [It's so rare to do so nowadays.]

Look-alikes? SY & XY! (with Patrick staring?)
Sunrise cruise was pretty interesting. That's when animals either go to sleep, or they come out for activities. We actually witnessed a troop of wild boars crossing the river in front of us! That was really cute!! Haha~


Logs... a sign of deforestation?

This is made to link the two banks for orang-utans and monkeys
The craziest experience should be the oxbow lake trip. Went by boat to the first oxbow lake which was 'alive', then jungle-trekked into another one which was 'dead', with weeds and plants growing all over it.


... dead
forced by Ju Eng to go waddling in the lake (lots of vines and roots underneath which was kinda scary) as if of no purpose, but that wasn't the worst. What I am most afraid of is... LEECHES!! Of everything, I just hate them so much! Though I haven't experience any leech bites yet, the idea of them sticking onto me and sucking away my precious blood really stirs me~ [I was lucky to not get any then..]
All the while, besides the various activities arranged, we are supposed to work on assignments as peer educator. Our tasks were to use different ways to spread the message of environment and conservation. My group Delta (aka doofies!) got the toughest part - Food & Music. Two most common fields, yet hardest to be themed! In the end, we produced these strange-yet-cute ringtones of nature! And a no-more left-overs concept of recipes! (whatever~)

Dimitri testing the 'recycled' food! (It tasted good, btw)
I'd say, despite being very anxious about it before, it turned out to be very ejoyable and the camp-mates being very easy-going. [So much better than the KMT time..] Despite having assignments (adding the load of course assignments), we didn't just cincai do it, but gave our best. Despite the sharp comments and lost of ideas, we pulled through. What's more enjoyable than being able to enjoy work and play at the same time?!!
The precious memory in me...
The amazing people in the camp...
The amazing people in Sukau...
The amazing land of Sukau and waters of Kinabatangan...