6 things I'm passionate about1. Music
I've often thought I should have started learning playing piano when I was younger then, a reason why I picked up guitar, which is faster to get me to the goal of composing. Though I still hope some day I would put my hands on the keyboard when I can afford to.
2. Nature
Never have I thought I would love it so much until when I stayed within the jungles of Kinabatangan! How lovely the experience was, that I even think I would migrate to the country side for life~ Haha... Again, wait til I have enough cash to support myself.
3. Architecture
Far away from this huge ambition of mine since young, I still like to see the arts of buildings, especially old buildings. And I would peep at the works of the architecture students whenever I pass by the school office or their classrooms. And I wonder if I should have picked civil engineering instead of E&E?? Haha... An ambition, A dream.
4. Charity
Nothing big for the moment, I just wish I will join the World Vision or the type and sonsor the poor children.
5. Pets, and...
No, I have no pets. I just so wish I could have a puppy to run around the garden, or even a huskie to chase away the cats which just love to s*** at our garden. But somehow, to keep myself and even my sisters company, I love to puppet my stuffed toys around (heh.. very kiddy I know) :P
6. Family
The people I have spent my life the longest with. I can't imagine how I'm gonna live if (or when) I move out then...
6 books I read recentlyNothing much other than E&T mags, which I can't even finish one full copy.
Oh, and the thick thick thick textbooks of the past and future lectures. >.<
6 songs/albums :P I can listen to over and over again1.
Mirotic by TVXQ (album)The latest and hottest! Especially the songs [넌 나의 노래](You're My Melody) and [노을... 바라보다](Afterglow).
My Space by Tanya Chai (album)Admire her for her compositions. I love her songs which are mostly accompanied by guitar tunes.
Holding Back the Tears by TVXQThe OST of their drama Vacation, the song is composed by Micky Yoochun, a fave for my practising of guitar.
[干物世界](Homely Life) by Rynn LimRecently PWH award-winning album is definitely up to standard! Love the concept of the album, and as his music is major in guitar, the songs truly suits my taste.
[사랑해도 될까요](May I Love You) by Yuri SangjaOne of the best ballads I have ever heard. The melody melts my heart...
[どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?](Why Have I Fallen in Love with You?) by TohoshinkiOne of my favorite hits, my favourite tunes, my ringtone, my life... ehemm..haha~~
Honestly it doesn't really sound like a sad song, but the lyrics are heart-breaking...
6 things I learnt this past year:1. Aim high, but not too high; do what you can.
2. I need to be more optimistic.
3. Believe what you see or hear, even if they deny it.
4. Be yourself.
5. Attachment can crave is really suffering...
6. I must get back to my Dhamma books.
6 valuable things I own:1. My guitar ~ the friend who has accompanied me for 4 years plus now...
2. My mobile phone ~ which is also my watch, my alarm clock, my MP3 player, my camera. :D
3. My stuffed 'friends' ~ Righty (Chinese-born American), Santa (why did he appear at our place without presents~), Doraemon (he passed away long time ago), and the bunny (I don't know what happened to it..) **I'm not crazy**
4. My backpack ~ almost everything I might need in a day is in it, stationery, books, umbrella, emergency food (!), medicine... hoooo~~
5. My IC ~ so that I know who I am... (or do I??)
6. My family ~ they know who I am...
6 bloggers I tag:1. Tiff
2. Jens
3. Pui Ling
4. Isabelle
5. Soursand
6. ~you~
It's my first time responding to a tag, so feel free to do it~ :P