Feb 28, 2009, Sat
It was a super long and tiring day for me. But it was way longer for them.
Strangely I wasn't in the committee for both the events, yet I was in campus the whole day til night for both. So kay-poh..hah~
Went over to
kacau at the TechComm Camp after the Zilog Workshop. Such a pity that an event was REALLY FINALLY going on and I was already out of the committee. But still had a 'guest appearance'!! To get into trouble.. eheh~
And as usual, as the paparazzi~

Just too bored...
During spotted Mr Ammar's cute cute son during ice-breaking!!

The banner and the little peoplesss~

[From left] Dr Hikmat, the committee and I!

The swimming pool was closed. But later saw people wadding out of it.

While they were having group discussion.

tire, tire, tire!!

The crazily uncontrollable people!!
And as expected, the games were the most fun part (coz the other parts were boring to them...)

My assigned station

Way Meng's which he flew off from to get the dinner ready~

This was the MOST FUN of all!!! But I couldn't watch from my station being blocked~ sobzzz

Suen Eng's station. This was challenging but interesting~

Danny's station. Should be fun watchin them too.
The BBQ dinner was supposed to be the most anticipated part, but ended up the committee and so few of the locals 'enjoying' it.

Oh look! The tahpau-ing people!

The leftovers, btw
And while waiting for the caterer to clear before we do the finishings, we have entertainment.

Special performance but the previous VPs. =)

It was then someone brought up the clapping of 爱的鼓励,which was fresh since I haven't done it for more than a year now (followed by a mixed-up clapping echo of the foreigners nearby..haha). It was fun, it really was.
It was indeed so much more work than expected, especially with the lack of committee members. Got some rough feedback (most are...), and well, what do you expect for an event about technical communication? I salute you all especially those who stayed up the nights (and hopefully you won't do that again) to cater the preparations! I'd say, this was even better than the Tech Comm course we had previously! And hey, the games were cool! (I must conquer the blowing ping-pong balls thingy~!!)
One good thing about it all is that ESA is made known to the juniors. And some came around to ask about it and some were even interested to join the committee. That's the huge reward of all the hard work. Such a relief!
爱的鼓励. It was what the team needed, encouragement. From external sources, as well as among themselves. So people, GAMBATEH!!
And thank you.
Thanks so much for making me feel like a part.