The cousins and other relatives headed down for Thomas Cup Semi-finals, which Malaysia team was involved in. A disappointing one though, as expected, as our team lost to China team by 3-0. Not even a bit of excitement about the match.
Well then comes the exciting part. The love-to-stalk me noticed an ex-player of the local team, though not knowing his name (arghhh~). And later, noticed Rashid Sidek too (though first time really seeing him, I was confirmed it was him as he gave me a nod ;) ). And they were heading in and out of a staircase.
So, it means the staircase IS important! It must lead to somewhere!!
Curiosity kills the cat, but we went down anyway. And it did us good. We caught Lin Dan!! I was pretty surprised as I did not expect to clash into him, and thus finding myself standing there staring at him, until my sis told me to take his photo. But unfortunately, our turn did not come to have a snap with him. A huge pity... But anyway, this encounter changes my impression on him. Somehow he isn't so arrogant as he shows himself on court, considerably pretty friendly towards the fans. Thumbs-up to Lin Dan! =)
Leaving the place finally after being ushered away by the security, we caught Rexy, the M'sian doubles' coach too! He was cool in snapping photos.
Uber Cup Finals as well as Thomas Cup Finals wasn't in our list, but hey how lucky we were, getting 'leftover' tics from other cousins who weren't gonna catch the show. So sis and I spreed to the stadium, an hour late, but managed to catch Hyo Jung's match. Terrific she is, and also the Korean team, surprisingly! And rather happily saw them hugging away the much anticipated glorious Cup. =)
We were good to have found a seat beside Korean supporters. There was a gang of 2 korena families who were pumping oil for their heroins. And I actually interacted with some of their kids! Haha~ My first time speaking Korean to Koreans!! And yes, I was tongue-tied... But they were really cute ^^
Of course, we weren't there just for the matches :P Lucky enough to see Chen Jin exiting the stadium for a snack outside, and woooot~ we flew outside too! So so excited to be snapping a pic with him!! And then an autograph for each of us as well!! Hahaha... the rush was worth it!
Towards the end, during the prize presentation ceremony, we sneaked to the VIP section to get near the players' section. And thus, very near to Bao Chunlai!! Called out his name and he noted! Well.. he is definitely a big hit. Some others got his autograph on t-shirt!
Finally Thomas Cup Finals! This time I was really for China team~ And a damn huge crowd it was for Indon supporters!! Good enough matches, there were rubble sets which created much excitement (unlike the semis), and in the end China won it beautifully.
After the prize presentation ceremony, we waved crazy goodbyes to the Chinese players, who responded well. Was so close to a handshake (or hand-touch) with Lin Dan.. >.<
Stalking? Tried to, but it seemed rather hopeless. We are still sane people, knowing we shouldn't be going here and there. So we caught up with some players' standies instead =.=
And in the end, I didn't find my Yong Dae around. Apparently he didn't join the event? Hah... I wonder...
Best of experience anyway!! XD Waiting for next one!!