A new sport I have picked up just about a month ago. And I have just had my first competition, inter-club. A good experience indeed.
Squash is not tough to pick up if you have the basis of badminton, and to me, easier since I have been playing tennis before. It's somewhere between the two. But then, it's something pretty tough to master. Skills are just a basic; later it's more of tactics playing, and it would seem more like playing an action game.
The Squash Club gang, very nice and happening people. It seems like an integrated gang... new people, old people whom I have never talked to before (>.<) And surprised that there are more people who know me (and pretty sorry I never knew them.. :P ).
The games were even more cheery and exciting with them shouting and the make-believe bettings... LOL~
A great day, a memorable event that would mark e good ending of my last semester on campus. :)