荡秋千 来回终究要停在原点
望太远 眼前幸福却忽略
晃半圈 圆不了爱恋
高一遍 低一遍 风就吹散了永远
好想为你荡秋千 看着夕阳扮鬼脸
若月光再美一点 我们会否把手牵
好想被你碎碎念 当数流星的配乐
空秋千 陪真夜
秋千和我失眠 在你影子身边
这公园太想念 你无邪的笑脸
好想为你荡秋千 看着夕阳扮鬼脸
若月光再美一点 我们会否把手牵
好想被你碎碎念 当数流星的配乐
空秋千 陪真夜
*荡秋千 望太远 晃半圈
高一遍 低一遍 圆不了爱恋
风就吹散了永远 来回终究停在原点
Monday, October 30, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
DT in the House!!!
It's been 2 weeks, and I'm finally here to update it.
On October 6 2006, Friday, David Tao's KL showcase was held at Picollo Gallery at Bukit Bintang. In fact, it was in the middle of a busy road!! Wow~~! However, the stage, of course, was smaller than that of last year's which was at Sunway Lagoon.
Anyway, scheduled at 9pm, the crowd was not so big even by eight. However by nine, the place was packed. It was obvious that the crowd was smaller compared to last time. Might be because he s having other autograph sessions too at Malacca and Ipoh.
The man who came in a comfortable pink shirt sang only 2 songs, but which was quite good compared to some one other place, where he sang only one song. He delivered the hit single of the new album, [Tai Mei Li] (Beautiful), and in conjunction with the Mid-autumn festival, he sang the 'legendary' [Yue Liang Dai Biao Shei de Xin] (The Moon represents Who's Heart!). He was given a lantern which was in chicken shape!! Hehe...so cute!
Then... the autograph session!! Fortunately, a friend requested that I help her get a CD autographed, so... I got to go on stage!! Yahoo!! That was my first time seeing DT up close! And as usual, he was such a friendly guy, spoke to every fan and looked them in their eyes whole-heartedly. Yes, I admit that I was 'electrically shocked' by him!! Muahahahahahaha~~!! I was lost of words when he talked to me! Hehee... was kinda blur after that...
And even more exciting, was when we used the same concert ticket to exchange for so many postcards!! Haha... (you may call that cheating? Who cares...) This time, I prepared myself and spoke to him. Fish was in front of me, and she spoke a lot to him! And he was quite willing to respond, but the crew 'chased' her away...hehe...
And my turn, his look on the face seem to tell that he remembered me...or it was my own imagination!
Anyway, I threw out a sentence, "It's great to see you here!"
He replied, "Thank you very much!" *drool*
Then, he said, "Zhong Qiu Jie quai Le!" (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"
And I replied, "zhongqiujiequaile.." Haha... Was 'suprised' by that...haha...
Minutes later, he left the place. We saw him off in his company car. It was so cool, that the road was temporary blocked to give him way! WoOOosh... And he saw crazy people behind rails waving madly at him...
I didn't take any photos, but got some from a friend, Soursand!! Lots of thanks to her!!

The Stage!! Looks big huh? But it was quite small. Imagine two lanes of the road...

Give it up for David Tao!! That's him with Sam, the DJ as emcee of the showcase.

A chit-chat with DT. He spoke very interestingly.

Trying to fly??!!

Feel the charm of DT...!

It was hot!!


Thanks to Soursand for the photos!
On October 6 2006, Friday, David Tao's KL showcase was held at Picollo Gallery at Bukit Bintang. In fact, it was in the middle of a busy road!! Wow~~! However, the stage, of course, was smaller than that of last year's which was at Sunway Lagoon.
Anyway, scheduled at 9pm, the crowd was not so big even by eight. However by nine, the place was packed. It was obvious that the crowd was smaller compared to last time. Might be because he s having other autograph sessions too at Malacca and Ipoh.
The man who came in a comfortable pink shirt sang only 2 songs, but which was quite good compared to some one other place, where he sang only one song. He delivered the hit single of the new album, [Tai Mei Li] (Beautiful), and in conjunction with the Mid-autumn festival, he sang the 'legendary' [Yue Liang Dai Biao Shei de Xin] (The Moon represents Who's Heart!). He was given a lantern which was in chicken shape!! Hehe...so cute!
Then... the autograph session!! Fortunately, a friend requested that I help her get a CD autographed, so... I got to go on stage!! Yahoo!! That was my first time seeing DT up close! And as usual, he was such a friendly guy, spoke to every fan and looked them in their eyes whole-heartedly. Yes, I admit that I was 'electrically shocked' by him!! Muahahahahahaha~~!! I was lost of words when he talked to me! Hehee... was kinda blur after that...
And even more exciting, was when we used the same concert ticket to exchange for so many postcards!! Haha... (you may call that cheating? Who cares...) This time, I prepared myself and spoke to him. Fish was in front of me, and she spoke a lot to him! And he was quite willing to respond, but the crew 'chased' her away...hehe...
And my turn, his look on the face seem to tell that he remembered me...or it was my own imagination!
Anyway, I threw out a sentence, "It's great to see you here!"
He replied, "Thank you very much!" *drool*
Then, he said, "Zhong Qiu Jie quai Le!" (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"
And I replied, "zhongqiujiequaile.." Haha... Was 'suprised' by that...haha...
Minutes later, he left the place. We saw him off in his company car. It was so cool, that the road was temporary blocked to give him way! WoOOosh... And he saw crazy people behind rails waving madly at him...
I didn't take any photos, but got some from a friend, Soursand!! Lots of thanks to her!!
The Stage!! Looks big huh? But it was quite small. Imagine two lanes of the road...
Give it up for David Tao!! That's him with Sam, the DJ as emcee of the showcase.
A chit-chat with DT. He spoke very interestingly.
Trying to fly??!!
Feel the charm of DT...!
It was hot!!
Thanks to Soursand for the photos!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Aarrrghh!! I was poisoned! Hmm... food poisoned, I believe. Might be the "donut hotdog" I had for lunch yesterday. This little thing upset my stomach and body so much.
My hectic day was started with that. My situation changed so dramatically that the "pau" that I like was of no appetite to me. In fact, my chest was feeling so bad that I felt like vomiting.
Had no choice but to apply some ointment and take a rest. That meant being late for my appointment. Later, my doctor cousin (who's come to stay for some while) told me to take some 100 Plus, which contained sodium and potassium which I was most probably lack of. Thankfully, I did recover a little after that.
I was late for 2 hours. Supposed to gather at university to do the Moral Studies project. Fortunately my parents sent me there, or I would have been so tired upon reaching the venue.
Anyway, the worse thing is that I have 2 mid-term exams on the day of project presentation. So unlucky, thinking that other people will only have to worry about it a month later! Haiz... It's continuation of the crazy weeks. College life is crazy, when you are free, you can be shaking ur legs. When you get busy, you don't even have to the time to shake ur head!
Later, because of the heavy rain and traffic jam, I was late for my guitar class. But still, it's better than not going.
Things come so fast and so suddenly these 2 weeks. And suddenly Yee Chung is bak again in Malaysia! And he's now the "Ai Xin Da Shi" (Loving Ambassador?)! Such a pleasant surprise... the news showed a compassionate side of him, going around greeting the patients... probably at the dialysis.
tomorrow's gonna be even more packed. Hopefully my stomch gets better, as it's starting to get painful again right now. Though I guess taht I'll be dragging my weak body for a week.
My hectic day was started with that. My situation changed so dramatically that the "pau" that I like was of no appetite to me. In fact, my chest was feeling so bad that I felt like vomiting.
Had no choice but to apply some ointment and take a rest. That meant being late for my appointment. Later, my doctor cousin (who's come to stay for some while) told me to take some 100 Plus, which contained sodium and potassium which I was most probably lack of. Thankfully, I did recover a little after that.
I was late for 2 hours. Supposed to gather at university to do the Moral Studies project. Fortunately my parents sent me there, or I would have been so tired upon reaching the venue.
Anyway, the worse thing is that I have 2 mid-term exams on the day of project presentation. So unlucky, thinking that other people will only have to worry about it a month later! Haiz... It's continuation of the crazy weeks. College life is crazy, when you are free, you can be shaking ur legs. When you get busy, you don't even have to the time to shake ur head!
Later, because of the heavy rain and traffic jam, I was late for my guitar class. But still, it's better than not going.
Things come so fast and so suddenly these 2 weeks. And suddenly Yee Chung is bak again in Malaysia! And he's now the "Ai Xin Da Shi" (Loving Ambassador?)! Such a pleasant surprise... the news showed a compassionate side of him, going around greeting the patients... probably at the dialysis.
tomorrow's gonna be even more packed. Hopefully my stomch gets better, as it's starting to get painful again right now. Though I guess taht I'll be dragging my weak body for a week.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Blur blur world...
My world is so yellowish now. So blur...
All because of it... the HAZE.
Yes it's here again, since a few days ago, paying its annual visit to our country. No matter how unwelcomed it is.
I didn't really took notice of it until today. Though I did hear about it from the news. While waiting for the shuttle van today, I smelt something. The smell of about a year ago... Though it's not half as serious as it was last year, this is still very unhealthy.
Is it because of the haze that I caught a cold recently? well... maybe, or maybe it was the cold. Anyway, my throat is starting to feel itchy and constantly dry now. Definitely feels bad.
It quite an unfortunate for the haze to hit the towns at this time of the year. Especially since it's the Ramadhan now, when the Muslims are fasting. It adds the burden to them, drying out their throats even more.
This reminds me of the days a year back. I remember the principal seeming taking a 'pleasurable' walk among the haze, looking at the 'scenery'. while we, in the classroom, were shouting to him to declare holiday! You see, we have the most open-aired classrooms at school, so open that it seems there's only the roof that's protecting us. And even the ceiling was falling off some time later.
The classroom was al misty, as if we were in heaven. Only that, it felt like hell smelling the awful 'smoke'.
Right now, it might be a directly opposite situation. At university I am enclosed in air-conditioned room almost all day, so the haze doesn't affect me as much as before. Except that I am often FREEZING instead (that was how I caught my cold). So much different a situation from last year.
Such an unsuitable way of welcoming David Tao to our country again. Hope he doesn't fall sick to it. ANd hope so much that the situation would be much better tomorrow, during his showcase.
All because of it... the HAZE.
Yes it's here again, since a few days ago, paying its annual visit to our country. No matter how unwelcomed it is.
I didn't really took notice of it until today. Though I did hear about it from the news. While waiting for the shuttle van today, I smelt something. The smell of about a year ago... Though it's not half as serious as it was last year, this is still very unhealthy.
Is it because of the haze that I caught a cold recently? well... maybe, or maybe it was the cold. Anyway, my throat is starting to feel itchy and constantly dry now. Definitely feels bad.
It quite an unfortunate for the haze to hit the towns at this time of the year. Especially since it's the Ramadhan now, when the Muslims are fasting. It adds the burden to them, drying out their throats even more.
This reminds me of the days a year back. I remember the principal seeming taking a 'pleasurable' walk among the haze, looking at the 'scenery'. while we, in the classroom, were shouting to him to declare holiday! You see, we have the most open-aired classrooms at school, so open that it seems there's only the roof that's protecting us. And even the ceiling was falling off some time later.
The classroom was al misty, as if we were in heaven. Only that, it felt like hell smelling the awful 'smoke'.
Right now, it might be a directly opposite situation. At university I am enclosed in air-conditioned room almost all day, so the haze doesn't affect me as much as before. Except that I am often FREEZING instead (that was how I caught my cold). So much different a situation from last year.
Such an unsuitable way of welcoming David Tao to our country again. Hope he doesn't fall sick to it. ANd hope so much that the situation would be much better tomorrow, during his showcase.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Fairy Tale
Haha. I'm no more a kid. But sometimes, I still like fairy tales.
This, is about Michael Wong's fairy tale. Hmm... or not?
Anyway, it was a wonderful time at his concert. There were two performances, one last night, and one tonight. I guess tonight's show will be even more exciting and high!
The venue wasn't as jammed as the time during Sam Hui's concert. Maybe coz this was at the indoor stadium. And as I have guessed, the VIP tickets that we got wasn't really in front of stage. In fact, there were even VVIP, and SVVIP seats!! Wow... why let those who won't groove to the music sit so close?? geesh...
Somehow, some (or many) people seem to be there because they got complementary tics. (There was a grandma sitting next to us, who seemed to take it as a lullaby..!) Like us.
But we did enjoy it. So did the cute little girls of cousin Boon. Haha... They were another entertainment besides Michael Wong. YZ and I were as usual, the most excited one of our group. Screaming and shouting so much!
Well, I admit that I'm not such a huge fan of his, and that was why I couldn't sing along more than half the songs. Many are familiar though. Super nice ones. Most popular ones. The well-known ones. They were all so wonderful...
The concert started off with a song with a little magic and mysterious performance. 2 persons came on stage, one in white and one in black. they were both hooded, and sang the song [Tian Shi] (Angel) *Such a great melody!* Initially the one in white appeared to be Michael. After the song ended, the black one stood behind the White, and a huge "BOOM!" was heard with fireworks on stage! The lights went off, and when the stage was lighted again, the black one was standing there alone. And wala! That was Michael! Again! haha...
A good try for a great show. But their trick was caught by me. somehow, not like many people, my attention wasn't distracted by the bang and fireworks. I saw the 'black guy' 'tore' the White jacket off the 'white guy', and jumped into a hole near by. That left the white guy WEARING the same black suit! So, it was the same person, Michael!
But then, maybe it was less fun catching the trick. So guys, next time you watch magic shows, don't observe too much!
About the stage. It was a huge one, very large for the size of the audience. But that was much better, it offered more interaction between him and the audience. He agreed with that, when he stood on the extended stage in the middle.
And his suit. They were basically in white, especially his trousers. He wore strap for 2 or 3 suits, which... looks funny. Balck shirts, shiny neck-ties, and in the end, a red-colored jacket. These were it. Not very glamourious, but he looked stunning.
It was until the song [Di Yi Ci] (First Time) that I really get to sing. There was a part of the show when he appeared with a beautiful piano. I love piano performances, in fact, any musical instruments' performances. And of course, he played well. He even danced during a more groovy song. Lots of room for improvement, hehe...
When he sang [Wo Ni De Shou] (Hold Your Hand), he came down the stage to have hand shakes with the fans. However, while he was still in front, the back here was starting to get uncontrolled. This ended up with Michael not able to come shake hands with us. Oh...too bad, so unfortunate. Cousin Heck (again) managed to shake hands with him though, as he change to the front seats!
I thought he would be singing [Tong Hua] (Fairy Tale) as encore, butI was wrong. It was the so-called 'final' song. For encore, he presented a new song of his, [I Am Who I Am]. Still the same old style of his, but nice.
The concert last for about 3 hours, ending at 11.10pm. Quite satisfied, and enjoyed a lot. It may not be as exciting as JJ's concert, but it was equally good. Later on, we went for supper. By the time we reach home, it was few minutes past one.
It was a pity Jin wasn't able to go, as she will be sitting for PMR this week, starting tomorrow. Wishing her all the best. I hope she makes it through, and I know she will. Good luck, Jin!
Nevermind, she surely will attend David tao's concert!! Can't wait!
This, is about Michael Wong's fairy tale. Hmm... or not?
Anyway, it was a wonderful time at his concert. There were two performances, one last night, and one tonight. I guess tonight's show will be even more exciting and high!
The venue wasn't as jammed as the time during Sam Hui's concert. Maybe coz this was at the indoor stadium. And as I have guessed, the VIP tickets that we got wasn't really in front of stage. In fact, there were even VVIP, and SVVIP seats!! Wow... why let those who won't groove to the music sit so close?? geesh...
Somehow, some (or many) people seem to be there because they got complementary tics. (There was a grandma sitting next to us, who seemed to take it as a lullaby..!) Like us.
But we did enjoy it. So did the cute little girls of cousin Boon. Haha... They were another entertainment besides Michael Wong. YZ and I were as usual, the most excited one of our group. Screaming and shouting so much!
Well, I admit that I'm not such a huge fan of his, and that was why I couldn't sing along more than half the songs. Many are familiar though. Super nice ones. Most popular ones. The well-known ones. They were all so wonderful...
The concert started off with a song with a little magic and mysterious performance. 2 persons came on stage, one in white and one in black. they were both hooded, and sang the song [Tian Shi] (Angel) *Such a great melody!* Initially the one in white appeared to be Michael. After the song ended, the black one stood behind the White, and a huge "BOOM!" was heard with fireworks on stage! The lights went off, and when the stage was lighted again, the black one was standing there alone. And wala! That was Michael! Again! haha...
A good try for a great show. But their trick was caught by me. somehow, not like many people, my attention wasn't distracted by the bang and fireworks. I saw the 'black guy' 'tore' the White jacket off the 'white guy', and jumped into a hole near by. That left the white guy WEARING the same black suit! So, it was the same person, Michael!
But then, maybe it was less fun catching the trick. So guys, next time you watch magic shows, don't observe too much!
About the stage. It was a huge one, very large for the size of the audience. But that was much better, it offered more interaction between him and the audience. He agreed with that, when he stood on the extended stage in the middle.
And his suit. They were basically in white, especially his trousers. He wore strap for 2 or 3 suits, which... looks funny. Balck shirts, shiny neck-ties, and in the end, a red-colored jacket. These were it. Not very glamourious, but he looked stunning.
It was until the song [Di Yi Ci] (First Time) that I really get to sing. There was a part of the show when he appeared with a beautiful piano. I love piano performances, in fact, any musical instruments' performances. And of course, he played well. He even danced during a more groovy song. Lots of room for improvement, hehe...
When he sang [Wo Ni De Shou] (Hold Your Hand), he came down the stage to have hand shakes with the fans. However, while he was still in front, the back here was starting to get uncontrolled. This ended up with Michael not able to come shake hands with us. Oh...too bad, so unfortunate. Cousin Heck (again) managed to shake hands with him though, as he change to the front seats!
I thought he would be singing [Tong Hua] (Fairy Tale) as encore, butI was wrong. It was the so-called 'final' song. For encore, he presented a new song of his, [I Am Who I Am]. Still the same old style of his, but nice.
The concert last for about 3 hours, ending at 11.10pm. Quite satisfied, and enjoyed a lot. It may not be as exciting as JJ's concert, but it was equally good. Later on, we went for supper. By the time we reach home, it was few minutes past one.
It was a pity Jin wasn't able to go, as she will be sitting for PMR this week, starting tomorrow. Wishing her all the best. I hope she makes it through, and I know she will. Good luck, Jin!
Nevermind, she surely will attend David tao's concert!! Can't wait!
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