On October 6 2006, Friday, David Tao's KL showcase was held at Picollo Gallery at Bukit Bintang. In fact, it was in the middle of a busy road!! Wow~~! However, the stage, of course, was smaller than that of last year's which was at Sunway Lagoon.
Anyway, scheduled at 9pm, the crowd was not so big even by eight. However by nine, the place was packed. It was obvious that the crowd was smaller compared to last time. Might be because he s having other autograph sessions too at Malacca and Ipoh.
The man who came in a comfortable pink shirt sang only 2 songs, but which was quite good compared to some one other place, where he sang only one song. He delivered the hit single of the new album, [Tai Mei Li] (Beautiful), and in conjunction with the Mid-autumn festival, he sang the 'legendary' [Yue Liang Dai Biao Shei de Xin] (The Moon represents Who's Heart!). He was given a lantern which was in chicken shape!! Hehe...so cute!
Then... the autograph session!! Fortunately, a friend requested that I help her get a CD autographed, so... I got to go on stage!! Yahoo!! That was my first time seeing DT up close! And as usual, he was such a friendly guy, spoke to every fan and looked them in their eyes whole-heartedly. Yes, I admit that I was 'electrically shocked' by him!! Muahahahahahaha~~!! I was lost of words when he talked to me! Hehee... was kinda blur after that...
And even more exciting, was when we used the same concert ticket to exchange for so many postcards!! Haha... (you may call that cheating? Who cares...) This time, I prepared myself and spoke to him. Fish was in front of me, and she spoke a lot to him! And he was quite willing to respond, but the crew 'chased' her away...hehe...
And my turn, his look on the face seem to tell that he remembered me...or it was my own imagination!
Anyway, I threw out a sentence, "It's great to see you here!"
He replied, "Thank you very much!" *drool*
Then, he said, "Zhong Qiu Jie quai Le!" (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"
And I replied, "zhongqiujiequaile.." Haha... Was 'suprised' by that...haha...
Minutes later, he left the place. We saw him off in his company car. It was so cool, that the road was temporary blocked to give him way! WoOOosh... And he saw crazy people behind rails waving madly at him...
I didn't take any photos, but got some from a friend, Soursand!! Lots of thanks to her!!
The Stage!! Looks big huh? But it was quite small. Imagine two lanes of the road...
Give it up for David Tao!! That's him with Sam, the DJ as emcee of the showcase.
A chit-chat with DT. He spoke very interestingly.
Trying to fly??!!
Feel the charm of DT...!
It was hot!!
Thanks to Soursand for the photos!
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