Sunday, June 28, 2009


Somehow I find it hard to just talk now. Or maybe I'm just in one of the strange modes again these days.
I might be arrogant, I might be stubborn or ignorant. Soehow whatever I do or say is just disagreed or disapproved upon by those who are claimed to be much higher leveled.
Yes, I might be wrong sometimes (or everytime). But do I have the chance to speak up and explain my reason for that?
This is the true nature of the society, that I have to accept. Just so fed up and helpless over it...
As well, I wouldn't wana make people give what they are unwilling to.

Sometimes, and many a times, I really envy with the sight of giggling and chatting away. It makes me think, how long ago have I really talked?
I just wish I had someone to talk to.
A nice long talk.

I am alone in the middle of no where.

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