Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year

This is the first post of the year.

It's weird. There seems to be no sense of new year in myself. Still tagging along with the past. Hmm...

There wasn't much celebration of the New Year for me. Had hoped to join the fun at Sungei Wang, where Rynn was attending a Countdown Party, but... ah, you've guessed it.

So all I did was sticking to the TV trying to catch every bit of Rynn, having some red wine and Tobelrone to celebrate. Unfortunately, the MCs were too talkative and too noisy that Rynn wasn't interviewed before the live telecast ended.

So much feeling of down these days. I wonder why. Might be because of my studies, or my family, or my friends. Or Rynn. So frustrating, thinking of the beloved photos taken with him just lost like that. Well, my sister is lucky, she got had a 'new' second-hand phone (while I'm still wondering when I'll get mine). But the sweet memories would only be in my mind, might even fade away, and I have lost the photos forever...

What will become of me this year? A source says that those of Aries will be quite lucky. I wonder, I doubt, I hope. It will definitely be a tough year.

New year resolution? To work harder in my studies.
It's the same for every year. Plus, I hope to wash away my bad habits.
Easier said than done.

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