I'm officially looking for a part-time job now.
And it WILL BE tough looking for the job, since I will mostly be working for November month only.
And somehow, I'm rather picky in choosing my job too! Haha~
A list of the common PT jobs available are:
Though popular and easy-to-get job it may be, I just reali
pantang the idea, Coz I have no patience standing there looking at nothing, and then
layan the customers with a variety of expressions, see them mess up the stuff, and clearing up the mess. Actually, What I reali hate is when there is not much work to do, I still have to stand there counting the minutes and seconds, hoping the time will pass by quickly. That's what is defined by BOREDOM.
Though I don't reali hate it, I never reali considered it. When I know how careless I can be when working and carrying things around. But if there's somewhere with an equally high pay, I will truly give a try. Somehow I would prefer to work in the kitchen, especially those of bakeries, where I can learn some skills in cooking! Hah~
If you call that a person who does surveys. That's what my sis have been doing. It's quite a flexible one. The tough thing is to have to go around looking for people to survey on. And it's quite a complex survey, basically need at least half an hour for each survey. And my problem is, I AM not as outgoing enough to knock on each door to look for people.
Have been considering such jobs as data-entry... but definitely the toughest to find for a-month-long job. And realised another problem... I dont have enough of formal suits to go work in offices! Haiz...
Frankly speaking, a job that I crave most for... for the sake of experience, is the type that has to do with events. Backstage work, operating crew... whatever. Sounds fun, but it is defintely a tiring and energy-consuming and rushing and crazy job! Somehow, the alienistic me, I am eager for that~ Haha... Although the pay might be low. But it's expected.
It's not clear whether my aim for a job is money-wise or experience-wise. I just do not want to spend my holiday sitting at home, though I wont be sitting around reali, having the extra housework to do at home (yes, my mom will find numerous jobs for me!!).
And since I WANT to go for the concert, I NEED to find MONEYYY!!!$$$!!!
Right. So anyone with any sources of part-time job, please do inform me! And anyone wana 'compliment or comment on my 'analysis of job', hmm... go ahead la... haha~