Friday, January 18, 2008


It s****.

The worst that I have expected of the course, I never had expected my group to turn out like this. Probably it's my own problem. But I can't imagine how I am to work with people who don't seem to be there.

I would really prefer to pick my group(as anybody would), to have a choice over something at least. But my giving in to them caused myself having to clear up the trouble left behind. So now, we seem to have 3 out of 5 people in the team, adn I can't seem to find a 5th member. With the fact that the 4th member may never appear as well. The deadline is causing a lot of trouble, even from the beginning.

Somehow getting frustrated over this. Wish I could delete the 4th member off the list, then he will hate me. Wish I could just jump over to another group, then everyone will hate me.

Cool game...


Anonymous said...

tried calling those numbers i gave you? what's the outcome like? well, it may be tough to work with what you have, but if you don't have a choice, it may be alot more work for one or two persons bt your output would turn out pretty good all the same I bet (:


Kyflein said...

thanx for ur help. yup i did, but they have formed groups already. guess that i have to stick to this group, no choice since it's nearing deadline. hopefully it wont be a lot more work than i expect...

Anonymous said...

Oohh I see. Sad news~ =) Well well, if you need any help ask me, I'll do what I can. When's the dateline? And, all the best with the project!


Kyflein said...

thank you so much for the offer.
the dateline for the group list is tomorrow. hv to grab my last chance for another member then.