Friday, September 12, 2008


It's kinda wonderous how the life has changed in just a year. When the previous September, previous short semester, previous year, we were still an nine-some turned eight-some gang; when we were still going for class together; when some were fishing in class while others became live photographers; when singing-K was still a rare-but-possible practice; when we were planning a barbeque party at the house and trying not to let someone know (for the sake of our lives~); when we dread over what was so simple yet so confusing in the courses.

And now without the mechas taking the same courses, though it isn't the first time, there is a sense of loneliness around. Even chances of lunch-ing together is rare and almost none, not to say, to get together for a sports game (I do doubt if I can still play badminton~).

And I feel like I haven't been using my brains during class before as compared to these few days. It's rather amazing how the course syllabus can make me not realise the passing of time during the lecture. And yet, it's a thrid year course... oh my! I can't believe I am entering the third year of the engineering life now!! I am really so not ready for it as it seems too fast~ and that's also because I haven't 'played' enough.. hah~

And finally I have an ex-schoolmate cum ex-classmate studying here with me. This is very rare as the campus is 'so far' from my area (anyway, it's further for her). ALthough it doesn't make much difference in my universit life since she is based in the other wing campus. Boo.

The soon-to-be Mid-Autumn festival seem to be only excited by the mooncakes. Again this year, it's not a full gathering of the family. Neither a BBQ party. Should be one spend with numericals and circuits while eyeing what would come up in the chaotic columns of the paper.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!! =D

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