Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Turn Back Time

Time, look where we are and what we've been through
Time, sharing our dreams
Time, goes on and on everyday
Time is what it is,
come what may...

Things just don't turn out to be what is planned, even though how much effort we have put in it. Sometimes we just have no idea if the choice made is right, even though we thought it should be when we made the decision.
I can't say I regret, because I know I went through a lot then, mentally, I didn't have to expose it. Just a matter of time, and people.

A lot of things I have to get used to, some that I still cannot get used to. Like not having the crowd of friends in the same class, like having myself grr-ing over someone...
And how I have not gotten used to not attending the meetings and activities with the usual gang... and how we sit at the meeting room and I hoping for good news from the pink monkey owner...

How much that things have changed, I just wish the friends won't change for the worse. Last few years I would have regretted for not choosing a program having more girls around, yet sometime now I actually thought I am glad to have them, guys or gurls (ermm.. yea.. except.. ) walking down this path with me.

Yea, I miss them.
Let's have the reunion dinner every year (or semester!) =D

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun...

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