Friday, September 08, 2006


Dad was originally going out-station. Not anymore, Yey! many problems solved.

Frst, guitar class.

Then, the fan's meeting session with Yee Chung and Jin Sha. It will be at sg Wang, which is kinda hard in transport aspect especially at night. Now I hope that dad will pick us up...

There's the Awards Day. I had been down over my dad over not attending the ceremony, which is my first ever in UCSI.

Great. There goes Friday. Didn't go for duty today. and there goes the 2nd week, with only 2 hours of work.

I regret a lot for choosing school of IT and Management for this semester. I wanted to continue in School of Engineering, but there were no more places.

I realised the ease of duty at the previous school. The supervisor wasn't strict, and doesn't mind a lot about the working hours, as long as we do work. How great was that.

But now over here, the supervisor will fill my time-sheet (which is the right way). And she will write the hours I was there, NOT my initial planning hours. And so, I have trouble planning my working now.

Even worse off, they DON'T have much work for me to do!! What'a heck??! Then how am I going to complete my duty?? ANd why are they assigned so many scholarship students?? It's CRAZY!! I'm so much worried now... I really don't like it here, they really do treat me as a worker. Shit.

And they expect me to go to the heads to look for work. Suddenly I feel like I'm a jobless looking for employment. Or even a salesgirl trying dispose the products at hand.

I really don't mean to, but... I HATE THIS PLACE!!!

Complaints about the contractor again.

Heard my mom talking over the phone about the renovation. She was complaining about some works done without her knowledge, and messed them up.

I truly doubt about the contractor's 'professionalism'. he doesn't even use his brains! Resulting in mistakes here and there! And more ridiculously, he wants us to pay him more to re-do the mistakes1 WHAT??!!Whether he is uncle or elder or whatever, I really wish I could smack him!!

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