Thursday, May 01, 2008

Gathering #2

Which was supposed to be the third, if not for last year's cancellation.

It was a nice one, although the rate of attendance was still as of before... low.
The different batch on people, some same old gang... did matter, as long as they were there to mix around. Except the few coupled ones who just cared for their own business... as if they weren't part of it. We call it 重色轻友..hah~

It was a good time talking to the old friends. Almost an 8-hour non-stop chat which extended from the coffee house MCX (I damn don't like it there~) to my house~ hehe... Though it was kinda a 'teacher gathering', it was fun listening to them bragging about the incidents at their schools. And the bosses. And the past times in high school. And...

It felt like the olden days then. Being with them and chatting and talking freely and laughing loudly was such a refreshment... hard to realize that we are all on our new pathways in life. In no time everyone would be flying to the different corners of the world for tertiery education. And hard to imagine who will still be left here...

Arghhh... sad to think of it. Just hope there will still be gatherings for the future.
All the best to my dear ex-classmates!!

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