Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Motorbike test

My heart was beating fats as I sat on the bench waiting for my turn. Except for the repeating candidates, I was actually the 1st one on the list. I was told to take the motorbike in front. It seemed like an old one, and... I had trouble starting the engine. I had to let the Person in-charge to do it, but then the engine "mati" again. Thank god this time I managed to start the damn motor. Waited till the road was clear, I started off. The damn bike was very bouncy, maybe because the tyres was a bit flat. I had to be extra careful. After the "8" road, came the bridge. This is the part deciding whether I pass or fail. If I dropped off the bridge, I would fail. I was not very slow, not as slow as I did during practice, but I crossed it successfully. Sadhu sadhu sadhu!

For the rest of the test it was okay, except that I didn't do all the signals during "On The Road" session. True, my reocrd had the 'menunjuk isyarat dengan betul' crossed. But anyway, I passed, with other marks.

And phew, that was done, after 4-5 hours of waiting and waiting. Next comes the driving test. This is even more scary, especially 'naik bukit'. After thinking over and over again, I finally decided to take an extra lesson of two hours to boost my confidence (I am always lack of confidence before tests and exams). I had it today, which was quite okay, only in the end I start to drool and didn't concentrate a lot as it was so hot during noon. Now, hopefully, I do my best in the test, and I'll also have to leave my luck to the car which I will get. Sadhu sadhu sadhu!

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