Saturday, April 21, 2007



While playing badminton, slipped and fell sitting on the ground. Which was ugly.

Then, later got a nice basketball BOUNCING off my HEAD!! Yet it didn't hurt much, just shocked on how the ball miraculously landed on such a 'right' place.

Worst of all, while playing basketball, the ball hit my hand in a weird way and so caused my a SPRAIN in my finger!! Thought it was nothing at first, but gradually the joint got swollen and red. Then it became a sausage... haha!

And so, most of my chores are affected. I'd have a hell of time if my exam wasn't over. Had some trouble trying to play guitar in class. Yet I can still be blogging here. I use TWO fingers! Haha!!

Looks like I was quite unlucky for the day. Firstly, was surprised when I was charged RM2.00 for a bus ticket. The word 'UTAMA' costs more!! The company really knows how to make money. Then comes the unfreaking yet annoying accidents. Later on, I gotta wait more than half an hour for a bus. Public bus is a nuisance, really.

On this very day, Rynn Lim will be at Astro office shooting for a tv show, and at night he will be attending AiFM concert at Genting. As usual, I'm not able to attend. So sorry for Siokyean who almost got the chance to attedn the shooting...

Talking about the tv show, it's a new program on Astro which deals with entertainment news. The emcees are newbies. Since the program was at its first episode, there were many mistakes here and there. Until the fact that, they STOPPED Rynn from singing and playing guitar when he was just about to enter chorus part!!! Such an idiotic situation. It's realy not Rynn's fault or microhpone problem now. It's the emcees' problem!! Wonder what in th world they are rushing for.

Another thing was, when John called in to say some words of congratulations, they hurried him off the line so soon!! My goodness. I was shocked then, how unprofessional they are.
Hello? Is that how you treat artists? It's your program but... RESPECT THEIR PROFESSIONALISM!!!

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