Friday, October 28, 2005


OMG! Bad luck on me, is it?
This morning I discovered the wire of my braces was broken again. Damn it, got the whole long process of going to the clinic again. Obviously I hate doing that. And It took me more thasn one and a half hours to get home and settle down.
What's even worse was that the dentist wasn't there! She went for holiday to Taiwan! Wow! A big problem when some patient is in trouble! The unlucky one was me. The nurses on duty hesitated whether to give me the treatment (changing the wire that is), since this was actually the dentist's job. They finally did, and I was so nervous, afraid that something might go wrong. The finally finished the job, after quite a long time. Hopefully nothing will go wrong in this period of 2 months!

Friday, Oct 28 2005 (2.56pm)

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