Saturday, October 15, 2005

Class nightmare

It seems a peaceful day, until...

A normal day for most of us was yesterday, maybe, that's before the chemistry periods. We were sharing the DK1 with another class, while our classrooms were under repair. During our chem periods, the next class was having Bio, which the teacher N was as usual teaching loudly. Somehow our chem teacher's voice was covered by that teacher's, so she decided to write on the board instead. It was then trouble comes. KS started to shout loudly, as if trying to go against N. Our teacher asked him to stop, but he wouldn't, and this went on for a few minutes. Even our 'ordering' wouldn't stop. He was like crazy.

Surely N couldn't resist it. She came over, and bpoth our teacher and also our class's nightmre started. N scolded KS, and us, for being 'kurang ajar'. KS didn't apologise for his misbehaviour. Later, our teacher had to go over next class to ...maybe apologise. When she came back, she sat down, and tears started flowing. My god, I was so sorry for her. I mean, she was really really upset for KS's behaviour, and she herself couldn't control it. It seems KS, and maybe also our class had created a BIG BIG trouble for her. Even I myself can't help being guilty.

Then, today comes the real trouble to our class. We are in danger of not getting good remarks for our graduation certificate. I don't mind about not getting 'Best class' or whatever for our class, but the certificate is what really matters. It is an inportant element for us in our future career, for colleges, for universities, and for 'cari makan'. Our class teacher received the complains from N and another teacher W today. And guess what, W was the person to fill the place for our 'kelakuan'. Bad news is she's been having conflicts with our class.

Of course, I too am not satisfied with some of the teachers, everyone has the same feelings, just as the teachers themselves would, with their students. But most of us just keep it quiet. I dunno where and why W have conflicts with us, until a few months back when someone in our class 'ejek' her, as she said. She is actually the type of teacher who is quite 'ba', likes to stick her nose into other people's business, my friends said. She has the least optimistic mind I guess, Always looking at the bad side. Thta might be why she really 'bu shuang' our class. Now she's the person to 'decide' our behaviour, we are DONE.

Happy lah now, someone lost his mind, set the whole class into trouble, and doesn't even bother to apologise. Like a nightmare which comes just a little while but eaves bad memories in our lives. Like the Tsunami comes without prior notice and sweep away everything and leave behind nothing but trouble. That's why, we have to keep our good behaviour, don't cause trouble, just because you are happy with it. tThink of what the circumstances will be, think of the people around you, whether they will be hurt. What happened yesterday has made a large 'blackhole' in our class, and our image. We will never be able to return it to normal. We can only fill it up with something else, but the wound will still be there, forever...

I'm so upset...

Friday, Oct 14 2005 (3.30pm)

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