Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What will you do...

What will you do, if you have THREE months left of your life?

Oooh... that's a tough one. My Sunday School teacher shot us with this question last few weeks.

Let's see, wanna travel the whole world, well at least to visit Beijing again (eheh, [Gong Ti Bei] hehe...never really walked that place), and tour some historical European countries like Greece, Italy, bla bla bla... and to Disneyland (no, not the one in Hong Kong, that's too crowded). Oh, and Taiwan, where I wanna meet my pop idols...akakakaka...I wanna meet F4, Yee chung, JJ, Jolin, David T., bla bla bla... And on to Ireland and england to see Westlife, then to US to meet BSB...

No. Stop. Hold on. I need to think this over...

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